Friday, April 27, 2012

Cat Eye Makeup - Eyeliner tattoo

Who can’t take notice the cat eye makeup Hollywood stars are fond of wearing? Aside from the decades of popularity, the ability of such to draw attention is timeless creating dramatic looks for day or night. Simply, it is the eyeliner extending beyond lash line with so much of variations existing today.

Below are the basic steps to accomplish a cat eye makeup. After you have mastered it, you are all ready for the next level of making your very own variation.

To times like this, the first time you try is using something that you are comfortable using with. A tip can be an angled makeup brush with a liquid or gel eyeliner if you have no idea. But start first with an eyeliner pencil after some practice level up with already the use of angled brush.

  1. Prepping always comes first for cat eye makeup best result. Prepare your skin like putting a moisturizer, primer to let anything applied to it stick and concealer to hide unwanted blemishes.
  2. Remember, cat eye makeup can be accomplished even with only a use of eyeliner. A good dark brown or black pencil on hand is more than enough. An eye shadow can also be used for softer look while the liquid one for more striking effect however is more difficult to use.
  3. First apply a base eye shadow on the entire upper eyelid. For a low-key look, use neutral matte that matches your skin color while a shimmer eye shadow for intensity looks. A deeper color can also be used instead like dark taupe, brown or smokey grey even black color can be.
  4. A good cat eye makeup idea is to first use a light eye pencil to lightly pattern your cat eye makeup wings. So if ever you commit mistakes in between, it is easier to erase it using a Q-tip. Thin line initially then getting thicker going towards the corner of the eye.
  5. Once the pattern is finished, take a break first from your mirror. Why? So to detect if the pattern are really even. Taking a pause can make a big difference and easily can notice the differences. Erase and adjust then if there are mistakes.
  6. If the look already suits you, use now the darker pencil. The length of the cat eye makeup wings depends on your preference on how long it should be.

For prevention of uneven wings, do the weakest eye first. Do it first at the eye at the level of the non-dominant hand to easily match it to the other eye using your dominant hand.

So you’ve reached the end of this article and for sure you already know a bit on how to perform the cat eye makeup. You just need to because it is something stylish suitable for any occasion whether in a party, a business gathering, a normal weekday especially the 50s cat eye makeup party. 


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