Friday, April 6, 2012

Beauty Review: Maybelline Eye Studio Master Precise Eyeliner Pen

March 28, 2012 · 7 comments

in Beauty

I’m never without a good black eyeliner in my make-up box – that’s not exactly a revelation, I’m sure. I wear eyeliner every single day – whether pencil, liquid or gel – and it’s almost always jet. For my personal beauty aesthetic, I love the definition of a black eyeliner. In terms of make-up I like the very basic statements done up in a theatrical way. So having a black eyeliner pen has been a must, and over the last few months I was using a pen by a prestige brand that I was completely smitten with. But, as with all prestige brands, the price seemed a little overwhelming to divulge for a routine product I’d use nearly every day. Needless to say, when Maybelline’s Eye Studio released their Master Precise Eyeliner Pen I was keen to give it a try and see if it could be a budget-friendly replacement for my high-end favorite.

Here’s a peek at what it looks like…

I’m very impressed. For such a fraction of the prestige brand’s price, Maybelline did a fantastic job of creating an eyeliner pen that’s bold, easy to use and of wonderful quality. Going directly from one to the other I did feel that the Master Precise tip was a little more flexible than the prestige brand; a little too flexible, to a degree, but after a bit of use I grew accustomed to it and was able to cater my application technique to better suit the product (as I’m inclined to do with any make-up product, really; everything requires a different sort of finesse, don’t you think?).
And a closer look at the definition and precision…

In most cases with liquid eyeliner, applying the pen with short, small strokes gives a much better result than trying to achieve an effect with one swipe. With the prestige brand I most often used big strokes, and with Master Precise that just wasn’t an option. But that was a quirk of mine anyway that the pros will tell you isn’t a fantastic habit to get into. Short strokes may seem to take a bit longer, but the precision you get as a result is definitely worth it. I’ve only had the product for a few weeks so I’m curious to see how long it lasts before the pen starts to run dry. But regardless, I’d say Maybelline’s Master Precise is a marvelous success for drugstore beauty and at $7.99 it’s impossible to refrain from making it a new staple in my beauty box.

Find all the deets and snatch up your own over here!

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