Monday, January 30, 2012

What is the best eyeliner to take off the fastest? | Pak Trendz

Im 13 and im not allowed to wear eyeliner to school or anywhere but im planning to just put it on when i get to school; so i need to take it off at the end of the day in the bathroom which is like 3 minutes before pm homeroom. But im willing to get late to homerrom. So what eyeliner shud i use tht wud be fast to take off?

You can use any PENCIL eyeliner, liquid and gel is hard to take off. And it really doesn` t matter what kind of eyeliner, it is all about the eye makeup remover you use.

try an organic natural mascara like ere perez’s one, its really really gud, i have tried it! its the only one i use!

I would recommend any cheap, unbranded pencil eyeliner. Because it’s cheap it’s easy. Liquid is too hard to take off.

any eyeliner without a brand name, they’re really good but SO easy to take off
they look good and stay on long
but SO easy to come off and when you cry, it runs like crazy

What is the best eyeliner to take off the fastest?

Eyeliner Brush Tags: best eyeliner, eye makeup remover, ff eyeliner, Pencil, which is the best eyeliner to buy, wud


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